About Me


Well to start off my name is Raul Cazares and I am a first year undecided/undeclared leaning towards business administration. Something about me is that I’m a bit of a perfectionist so I tend to try to make everything perfect and over time I see this trait as both a curse and a blessing. I like to read in my free time and this is probably one of the most important factors that made me such a strong writer all throughout my school life. However as I got older and I entered high school I realized that I didn’t have as much free time as I used to in middle or elementary school so the only material I read were the books assigned in English class. I consider myself an ambivert because I am naturally friendly but I am also very shy when meeting new people however I become very talkative when I am around people that I am very comfortable with. Some fun facts about me are that I don’t like super sweet food like Chinese food and tamales dulces (the pink tamales) because It just feels weird eating something like spaghetti or chicken and finding out that it tastes like oranges or sugar. If I’m not reading most of the time I am listening to music or sleeping so find me at the nearest library/mattress store near you also if anyone has any music recommendations just let me know because I am always on the lookout for new music. I also like to hang out with my friends and go watch movies but I can also appreciate being alone and just getting on a bus and seeing what places the bus leads me to discover. One of the greatest personal achievements I accomplished in the last few months was being able to get up at 6 am on a weekday during summer…but it was just because I had to go and get a drink of water. So yeah reading, music, sleeping, friends, eating, and adventures is just basically what I’m all about. Anyways, hope you enjoy my blog and thanks for stopping by.


My purpose for creating this blog was to connect themes, ideas, and concepts that we covered in Humanities Core to pop culture, current events, and historical events. In doing so hopefully i can offer a new perspective on some matters that wasn’t considered before.

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